Space Shuttle United Space Alliance Closeout Crew Suit
This uniform was worn by the Space Shuttle launch pad closeout crew. These men and women made a final check of the astronauts launch and entry suits before boarding, assisted the Shuttle crew into their seats, and buckled them in for launch. The crew then closed and sealed the Shuttle hatch. The closeout crew also conducted launch pad safety and evacuation training for the astronauts and launch pad crew.
Flags flown over Snake River Canyon, September 16, 2016.
On September 8, 1974, with much media fanfare, daredevil Evel Knievel tried and failed to leap the mile-wide chasm of the Snake River Canyon on his specially engineered rocket motorcycle. His drogue parachute malfunctioned and opened on take-off. Evel and his contraption floated to the bottom of the canyon, landing on the riverbank directly below his launch ramp (If he'd gone into the river, his safety harness probably would have drowned him).
On September 16, 2016, stuntman Eddie Braun did what Evel did not: he successfully jumped the Canyon in a rocket motorcycle built by the son of the man who built the original rocket motorcycle. It was named "Evel Spirit" in Knievel's honor.
The 2 flags above were flown aboard "Evel Spirit" by Eddie Braun, during his successful rocket jump over Snake River Canyon.
On September 16, 2016, stuntman Eddie Braun did what Evel did not: he successfully jumped the Canyon in a rocket motorcycle built by the son of the man who built the original rocket motorcycle. It was named "Evel Spirit" in Knievel's honor.
The 2 flags above were flown aboard "Evel Spirit" by Eddie Braun, during his successful rocket jump over Snake River Canyon.