My name is James Brown. I work professionally as a Senior Forensic Photographer (34 years and counting). I have an Associates Degree in Commercial Photography, and have been published in many different publications over the years, including National Geographic, CNN, Aviation Week and Space Technology, NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day, and the Washington Post, just to name a few. I had the pleasure of photographing the Space Shuttle Program for 23 years (1988-2011), something that I miss photographing to this day.
More photos can be seen by clicking on the menu above. Links to my other websites can be found at the bottom of this page.
More photos can be seen by clicking on the menu above. Links to my other websites can be found at the bottom of this page.

NEGATIVE RETURN: The Space Shuttle Photography of James Brown – is now available on iTunes for $5.99. A 15 page sample of the book is available free. Buy now! And if you purchase, please write a review!
This inside look at the preparation, launching and landing of the Shuttles features rare behind the scenes footage from Kennedy Space Center in photos by James Brown. Includes special audio features allowing you to hear James describe the story behind many photos and a full screen slide show of a day on the pad with Endeavour. High resolution images look spectacular on your iPad.…/book/negative-return/id648008550…
Again, please feel free to post this on your FB page, and or forward to anyone you know who has an interest in space, the Space Shuttle, or photography. Thank you everyone for your support, and for your very kind words.
Click the ebook cover above to go to the purchase link.
Click here for the current location of the International Space Station.
NOTICE: All photos on this website are COPYRIGHT James N. Brown, unless stated otherwise. No photo may be used without permission or proper credit.